How to Choose Your Next Big Goal, and be Excited to Hustle Again!

Don AlleyAdventure, All, Entrepreneurship, Motivational, Personal Development3 Comments

How many times have you gotten to a place where you were finished with a big goal, and were looking for that next accomplishment to pursue… and you couldn’t come up with anything exciting?

Or you felt like you were in a rut, and you knew that having a goal to chase would light a fire under you and pull you in a forward direction, but you couldn’t decide on anything that captured you?

I know I have.

“What should I do next? What do I want to achieve? What do I want to do?”

There’s no passion or inspiration to those questions, is there? Just an underlying obligation to do more, try harder, keep moving—regardless of what it is. 

No fun.  

So rather than asking “what should I do next?”, here is a MUCH more powerful question that will inspire creativity, possibility, and daring:

Stop thinking small. Don’t limit yourself. If anything were possible, what would you want to do with your life? How would you spend your time? What would be an awesome story to be able to tell your friends and family? What feats would you attempt? What journey would make you look back, stand proud, and know that you gave your all?

Those are great questions, all hopefully inspiring you to think about what would be awesome to YOU!

I’ve found that the best way to get some amazing answers to this question (and any other meaningful question) is to use a “Thinking Session.”

A “Thinking Session” is a one hour block of time where you put away any and all distractions, grab a journal and pen, stare at a blank wall, and sit and think for 45 minutes. Ask the question, and then write in your journal what your brain comes up with. Then spend the next 15 minutes deciding on how to implement what you wrote.

You’ll be amazed at what you jot down, just because you took the time to reflect. Typically, we stay busy for way too long, and never pause and allow our subconscious mind to dig, mining the depths of our experience and memories. 

It could be one of the most powerful things you do. 

So, go and think! And ask yourself the question, “What would be awesome?” Let your thoughts race and allow yourself to be as crazy and untethered as possible. Just write, and you might discover something extraordinary.

Get some great ideas? I’d love to hear them 🤗

3 Comments on “How to Choose Your Next Big Goal, and be Excited to Hustle Again!”

  1. We loved having you as our karate instructor, but even more, as the inspiring soul that you are and all your stand for on leadership. You’re a true gem and we miss seeing you and everyone at Super Kicks. My kids (who were 4 and 5 at the time) still talk about you all. Thanks for all you do.

    1. You absolutely made my morning reading this comment. Thank you so much for saying so! Your kids were amazing, I hope life is great for you and your family! 😃

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